Oklah tak boleh celoteh banyak ...tata
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Hadiah untuk Hari Guru
Oklah tak boleh celoteh banyak ...tata
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Dora Princess Cake
Assalamualaikum. ...huhuhu mmg dah lama tak update blog. ..mood dah ke laut ...saya byk syare di account instagram @nurpian04 dan hari ni saya terjumpa apps utk update blog di smartphone so yeay!!! tiada lg alasan utk saya tak update blog hehehe ...
Maka oleh itu kira kata ini adalah entry pertama saya yg saya post dari phone saya (^__^) ...
Dora cake ni saya buat pada minggu lepas bersempena birthday anak dara saya,che Aishah yg ke 3 ...
Cara saya buat cake dora :
1-saya guna resepi dari Dorie Greenspan 'the best party cake' atau white cake dimana saya bakar kek dlm loyang 6 " x 3 dan saya warnakan dgn 3 tone yg berbeza.
2-saya susun cake dgn melapisi diantaranya dgn buttercream dan strawberry jam
3-cucukkan dowel rod atau boleh guna kayu chopstick di tgh cake utk stabil kan kek.
4-mula 'carving' kek dgn pisau utk dapatkan bentuk skirt
5-cream coat atau salut permukaan kek dgn buttercream secara tipis kemudian baru salut seluruh cake dgn buttercream dan hias ikut kreativiti sendiri.
6-cucuk cookie dora atau gambar dora dari kertas atau patung dora ...
Ok lah ...apps blog ni tak byk function sgt tapi boleh la dari tak ada kan hehehe ...
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Owl cake for Aishah
Recently we have celebrated belated birthday bash for me and Aishah ... it was a simple celebration and yet was so meaningful to be reminiscence ....
Thank you Allah for all the blessings and to my little darling Aishah...Happy birthday to you mak loves you so much and may Allah grant you happiness and success in this life and in the hereafter Insyallah...
Okay back to the birthday cake... Aishah loves listen to Twinkle twinkle little rhymes and in the video there is one owl singing with the little star... since then owl has became her favourites ....
The cake was made from Marble Nutella Cake and the recipe was taken from The KitchenGuardian and I covered and decorated the cake with Swiss Meringue Buttercream... everybody love this cake as it has a dense soft texture and of course delicious...you'll want for more after one bite... it just melt in your mouth.
Credits to kak Yani for the recipe and I just copy and paste from her page for my future reference
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Happy Birthday Umar .... Kek Russian Black and White
To my little hero...Mak and Ayah feel so pround and blessed to have you, you've shown us so many things and brings so much joy into our life...Happy 4th Birthday Umar semoga sentiasa menjadi anak yang baik dan soleh untuk Mak dan Ayah ya.... Love you so much...Muahss ^__^
Ok enough for the ramblings..he..he..
On the his special date I've made a simple birthday cake jer....dah tak larat sekarang ni ...I'm already 34 weeks...selalu kepenatan..hu..hu..
Saya buat Rusian Black and White cake ...resepi ambil dari blog Kak Azlita ,Masam Manis ... Berbaloi buat (walaupun lepas buat "pengsan" sekejap...muhaha)
Simplekan??? I just adorned the cake with printed banner and Thomas toy.... ni kes dah tak larat tahap melampau..ha..ha..tapi yang penting my little hero smile from ear to ear....and he said to me that "Mak pandai dan kek cantik"... he..he..kembang setaman makcik.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Mickey Mouse cake..... and 33 weeks
Selamat hari Merdeka yang ke 56 untuk semua rakyat Malaysia......
Bersempena hari Merdeka ni jiran saya buat majlis hari jadi untuk anaknya so jiran saya minta saya buatkan kek untuk hari istemewa anaknya, saya buatkan Rainbow kek dengan simple buttercream icing.
Kek di buat dari 3 biji kek...untuk muka 8 inci kek dan untuk telinga Mickey saya gunakan loyang 4 inci.
Resepi saya gunakan resepi dari whisk Kid atau kalau nak yang dah di translate boleh refer di blog Kak Zue,Semanis Gula atau di blog Kak Ita,Masam Manis .
Saya buat 1 1/2 adunan dimana 1 adunan utk muka dan 1/2 adunan utk telinga mickey.
Mulanya saya buat creamcheese buttercream ...ntah macam mana saya terletak banyak gula icing, dan kemanisannya diluar tahap kewarasan saya muahaha ...juling sat bijik mata,padahal resepi creamcheese ni selalu saya buat....ntahlah sejak 2 menjak ni saya tersangatlah clumsy hu..hu..maybe sebab dah sarat kot ha..ha..then nasib baik saya masih ada stok untuk buat buttercream yang biasa saya buat...
Tapikan baking masa tgh sarat ni sangat la meletihkan....next week saya ada new cake project lagi...cake untuk birthday my little Umar.....tak pa penat kita tolak tepi utk yg tersayang...
Ni pulak some treats yang saya buat untuk diletakkan di atas candy buffet jiran saya....Chocolate tart dan Vanilla muffins.
Jiran saya just tempah cake and muffin dan saya hadiahkan tarts kat dia....tarts ni saja bagi kat dia sebab saya nak habiskan stok compund chocolate....
Friday, June 14, 2013
Japanese Strawberry Shortcake
sebelum ni pernah makan JSS kat sebuah cafe kat Bukit Bintang, maaf saya lupa la pulak nama cafe tu-adeh nampak sgt dah tua...sedap tapi sepotong RM9.50 ...tu yg membuat saya berkobar-kobar nak buat sendiri...dan hari ni lepas Subuh saya dah tercongok kat dapur buat sponge cake...pukul 7 pagi semua selesai ...yess kek dah siap...and lepas lunch tadi saya pun mula mendeco kek...semangat betul
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Accidents do happen .....
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Banana Mousse Chocolate Cake
I do bake every week, but it just that situations didn't permit me to upload new bakes ....my little hero has conquered all the IT gadgets...he didn't give any chance his mak to use it.."no..no...all these are mine (Ipad,Lappy and desktop)" exclaimed him...poor me ..hik..hik..anyway after he snuggle to his duvet for afternoon napping, it's time his mak to use HIS IT devices....
I made this cake last week just to satisfy my cravings .... Banana Mousse Chocolate Cake....I used several recipes that I sourced from internet and books, I've tweaked a little bit of the recipe just to suit the available ingredients that I have in my pantry... and I must says that the looks of my cake can be deceiving he..he..but believe me it indeed delicious ( muahaha angkat bakul sendiri)
Banana Mousse Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Sponge Cake
5 eggs yolk
120g castor sugar
150ml water
75ml corn oil
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp Chocolate emulco
160g self raising flour
5 eggs white
80g castor sugar
**6 ripen banana(sliced)
1.Preheated oven at 180C.Line a round 8" cake tin. Beat (A) till smooth for apprx. 10 minutes using high speed .
2.In onother bowk whisk egg white till it become soft peak and add in sugar and continue whisking until it become stiff
3.Fold ingredient (A) with egg white meringue.
4.Pour into prepared 8" round cake pan and bake for 1 hour( depends on ur oven ya... mine it takes 1 hr only)
5.once baked immediatelly invert and unmould cake( this important ...to ovaoid cake from shrinking and sunk) leave it cool before cutting into 3 layers horizontally.
Mousse filling:
250 g whipping cream( I used non diary whipping crean Rich Gold)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tbsp instant nescaffe dilute with 2 tbsp hot water
50 g cocoa powder
75 g icing sugar
1 tbsp gelatine( soak with 4 tbsp water-set aside until it become spongy and then using double boil method to dilute it)
1.Whip the whipping cream till stiff.
2.Fold in (B) and (C)
3.Lastly fold in warm gelatine tillwell combine.
Chocolate ganache:(I didn't use choc ganache instead I just melt the 50 g chocolate and add in 1 tbsp oil-ni kes tak cukup whip cream and dark cooking choc- had to use whatever avail in my pantry-and you should use proper ganache then you will get smooth and beautiful cake coating-jgn tiru saya ok he..he..)
140ml UHT whipping cream
350g dark cooking chocolate
1 tbsp butter
heat cream in double boiler and add in chocolate and butter.stir until chocolate has melted.leave to cool slightly before pouring on top of cake.
Assembling the cake:
1.Cut cake into 3 layer horizontally
2.Spread mousse onto 1st layer of cake and arrange banana slices on top of the filling.
3.Top with 2nd layer cake.Spread filling and arrange slice of bananas.For the last layer of cake ,spread cream filling on top and the sides of the cake.Leave in the fridge to set.
4.When set,place cake on a wire rack,pour on chocolate ganache.Refrigerate again till set.
Ok...till then...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Zara 2nd Birthday
Untuk hiasan keliling kek tu saya buat pagar coklat...ni pun kes cream cheese topping tak cukup untuk salut seluruh kek...tu yang terpaksa pakaikan kek ni dgn pagar kalau tak nampak tak cantik...
Si birthday girl... Zara yang sangat comel sgt teruja nak tiup kek.... kan cik nurul dah bagitaw...corak dam cik nurul tak berapa kemas..he..he..ni mmg kes nak cepat siap sbb baby kechik Aisyah asyik dok teriak saja mintak dukung...mmg tak boleh nak concentrate sangat...he..he..menyalahkan anak pulak muhaha...Bendera tu dipacakkan sebab tarikh harijadi Zara bersamaan hari 1 Malaysia...
Resepi Kek Pelangi
Sumber: Azlita Masam Manis
3cawan tepung
4 sdk baking powder
1/2 sdk garam
1 cwn unsalted butter ~ suhu bilik(180g)
2 cwn gula castor ~ kurangkan sebab manis(saya letak 1 3/4 cawan)
5 biji putih telor ~ suhu bilik
2 sdk esen vanila
1 1/2 cawan susu segar ~ suhu bilik
pewarna - oren, merah, kuning, biru, ungu dan hijau
Sediakan loyang 8 inc ~ kalau boleh 3 loyang
Sapu loyang dengan butter dan alas dasar loyang dengan baking paper.
sapukan juga baking paper dengan butter
Panaskan oven pada suhu 170C
Ayakkan tepung, baking pwder dan garam ~ ketepikan
Dalam bekas mixer pukul butter dan gula sampai kembang dan gebu atau butter bertukar warna putih .
Masukkan telur putih dan pukul lagi sampai gebu dan ringan
Masukkan esen vanila
Kemudian slowkan yang paling perlahan sekali, mixer, masukkan tepung berselang seli dengan susu segar
Boleh juga guna spatula dan guna kaedah kaup balik.
*Tepung kena berselang seli dengan susu. Mulai dengan tepung dan akhiri dengan tepung juga.
maksunya : tepung ~ susu ~ tepung ~ susu ~ tepung ~ susu dan akhir mesti tepung
Kemudian bahagikan adunan sama banyak dalam 6 bekas berasingan(saya bahagikan kepada 4 bekas ja...merah,hijau,kuning dan biru)
*timbang setiap adunan supaya dia sama tebal bila dah siap di bakar
Letakkan pewarna dalam setia bekas dan gaul rata
Masukkan dalam loyang
Bakar adunan tadi satu persatu dalam oven pada suhu 170C letrak pada rak bawah menggunakan api atas dan bawah dan bakar selama 15 ~ 20 minit atau sehingga kek benar-benar masak.
Bila dah masak letak atas redai
Tunggu dia sejuk sekejap dan kemudian terbalikkan
Kemudia boleh lah teruskan membakar pada adunan yang lain satu persatu hingga siap 6 lapisan
Jangan tindih2 kan kek bersama kerana kek mudah melekat dan nanti kek nampak comot dan tak cantik bila dia bertindih dan melekat antara satu sama lain.
Bila kek dah sejuk potong lapisan atas kek yang keras supaya bila kita susun kek nampak rata dan sekata. Ni cara saya potong kek untuk mendapatkan efek dam...
250g cream cheese
125g butter
3/4 cawan gula icing-ayak
2 camb whippin cream
1 camb lemon juice
Pukul butter hingga kembang masukkkan cream cheese dan gula icing,lemon juice -pukul hingga kembang dan gebu dan akhir sekali baru masukkan whipping cream-pukul hingga sebati.
tips: untuk satu cake kena doublekan resepi sebab saya buat tak cukup untuk sapu keseluruh cake...hmm..
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Cars-lightning Mcqueen -2nd cake
Kek yang saya buat untuk Umar bawa ke Playschool untuk diraikan bersama rakan-rakan sekolah...sangat enjoy buat kek ni almaklumlah dah lama tak bergelumang dengan order-order kek...ni kira kata balas dendam lah...he..he..
Umar di Playschool....mintak tolong teacher untuk ambil gambar....
Goodie bag yang saya buat untuk rakan-rakan Umar....saya buat vanilla muffin dan mini roll sosej bun dan saya letak sebatang pensil didalamnya....
Saya buat chocolate cake dan saya sertakan gambar sebelum dan selepas...walaupun macam lipas kudung saya buat semua ni...tapi saya happy sebab Umar bagi pelukan gembira kat saya lepas balik dari school semalam...saya senyum sampai ke telinga ....
Friday, August 24, 2012
Opera Cake
Kek Opera yang saya buat bersempena hari istimewa saya dan suami...our 8th anniversary....sebenarnya dah lama saya teringin nak buat cake ni tapi biasalah kan bila saya tengok cara pembuatan yg rumit terus saya tak bersemangat nak buat(malas yg betui nya)...tapi sebenarnya bila dah buat tak sesukar mana...sangat senang dan mudah...
Resepi cake opera ni saya adaptasi kan dari beberapa resepi yang saya dapat dari buku,majalah dan internet......terima kasih pada Kak Rima , Kak Azlita dan Majalah Femina kerana memberikan tips dan cara pembuatan yg saya rasa sangat mudah dan menyenangkan hidup saya..he..he..
Opera Cake
Jaconde cake
(A) Gaul sebati
170g serbuk badam
150g gula icing
50g tepung kek
4 biji telur (gred A)
160g putih telur
20g gula castor
60g minyak jagung
1.Sediakan loyang 9"x13"x2".Lenser dengan mentega dan lapik dgn kertas baking.Panaskan oven pada suhu 180C. Campurkan A.Gaul Sebati pakai spatula saja
2.Pukul putih telur sampai kembang kemudian masukkan gula....pukul adunan sampai kaku-bila diterbalikkan tak jatuh dari mangkuk
3.Masukkan minyak jagung-kacau rata
4.Masukkan adunan kedalam loyang dan bakar selama 20 ke 25 minit.Sejukkan
Chocolate Ganache
300g Chocolate masakan
200g whipping cream
panaskan whipping cream.setelah naik wap tutup api dan masukkan chocolate yang telah di potong kecil-kecil dan kacau sebati.biarkan ia sejuk dan pekat.
Swiss coffe buttercream
100g putih telur
100g gula castor
300g mentega tawar sejuk (saya guna tatura unsalted)-potong dadu
1 sb coffee paste/emulco
1.Menggunakan teknik double boil...panaskan telur putih dan gula,kacau dengan whisker sehingga gula larut (kalau guna termometer panaskan hingga 65C sahaja)
2.Tuang campuran putih telur kedalam mangkuk pengadun,pukul menggunakan kelajuan tinggi hingga adunan jadi kembang dan halus(yg ni pakai ballon whisk)
3.masukkan mentega dadu satu persatu hingga habis.kemudian tukar kepada K beater terus pukul sampai kembang err..macam adunan buttercream...kemudian tambahkan coffee emulco-kacau sebati.
Syrup kopi
1/2 cawan air panas
3 sk nescafe(saya pakai decaffe)
-campur sampai larut....ada resepi letak gula tapi saya tak letak sebab nak kurangkan rasa manis....
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Chilled Mango cheesecake
Chilled Mango Cheesecake
120g plain flour
60g self raising flour
55g soft brown sugar
1tbsp lemon rind
80g butter (diced)
1 whole egg
100ml water
1Tbsp + 2 tsp gelatine
250g cream cheese
150g fine granulated sugar
3 Tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
1/2 cup(125ml) natural plain yoghurt
1tsp grated lime peel
1 cup(200g) manggo flesh,pureed
1 cup manggo flesh-cut into small cubes
1.To make crust:Preheat oven at 180C,lightlt brush 8" loose-base cake tin with corn oil.
Place all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.Add in butter and beat at low speed until mixture resembles bread crumbs.Add in egg and beat until mixture binds.Press mixture into tin and prick holes with fork.Bake for 20-25 mins.Once cooked put aside and let it cool.
2.For the Filling:
Measure water into a bowl and sprinkle in gelatine(without stirring with spoon).Set aside to allow gelatine to swell(5 - 10 mins)before placing in a larger bowl of hot water(this will cause gelatine to liquify).Once gelatine melts, remove it from hot water and set aside
3.Meanwhile,beat creamcheese,sugar and lime juice together until smoothand creamy.Stir in yoghurt,lime peel,mango puree and gelatine liquid.Funally fold on in the diced mango and pour mixture to the crust.
4.Refrigerate until set(about 3 hrs).Serve cheesecake cold, although it's better left out at room temperature for about 5 minutes to give it a chance to "soften" slightly(otherwise texture can be slightly ruberry).Any leftover cheesecake should be stored,covered, in the refrigerator.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Double Celebrations part 2 - Pirate theme
I've made Red Velvet and oreo cake......the ship was RV.....at this stage after finished frosting the cakes I really out of ideas to decorate it...and masa ni jam dah pukul 11mlm...
Then after good 3 hours......and yet still not complete ...huarwgg...so sleepy and the time was 2.30am....tak pe esok sambung..
can you spot the differences of these two pictures...yesss....the lights...it seems that I've to invest buy DLSR he..he......Hubby please buy one for me..muahaha...
Here are the cookies that went with the cakes....and yes you are right I've made multi racial pirates keh..keh..keh..
Thanks Nana....and the event was held on 29th April and too bad I could't join the party as my Aishah not feeling well .....
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Double celebrations part 1-Tom N Jerry
What I absolutely love about this cake is the element of surprise and the wow-factor, when the first piece is cut and served.There was literally some audible gasps at the table when they saw the rainbow inside.....Sorry I forgot to snap picture of a cake itself...sangat2 terlupa...dah sampai kat rumah Nor...kanak-kanak ribena dah menyerbu so mmg tak sempat nak snap a decent picture of the cake..he..he..
and for Nor...I've made the Devil's food chocolate cake with cream cheese filling and chocolate ganached topping...ermmm it so delicious..I sorced the recipe from here ...thanks again to Kak Yani (my Idol..he..he..)
Tom...did u notice that something is missing on Tom appearances...keh..keh..yess...I forgot to put his eyebrows
And Jerry....he will always becomes Tom's favourite nemesis....
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Castle Cake for Aliya
Made this Castle Cake for Princess Aliya... Thanks Kak Yati for trusting me ...feel so honoured to bake the cake for Aliya for the 3 consecutives year....Jangan kata saya cakap tak serupa bikin ya..kata tak ambil order lagi tapi still bake..he..he..Yes I'm still bake for family and closed friends...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
My Brother's Day
Just to share the things that I've done for my brother's wedding day which was held at my kampung ,Chuping ,Perlis on 17 March 2012.
My adik with his bride.....Selamat pengantin baru Syah & Yanti....Semoga berbahagia hingga keakhir hayat...Amin.