Red Velvet + Buttercream + fondant
Mademoiselle literary means 'Miss' in french word and to match with the theme I've choose to decorate the barbie with Marie Antoinette style...
Thanks Linda...she also ordered 20 pcs Disney character cookies for her Princess....
Sms from Linda
"salam nurul,iman sufia suka sgt dgn kek tue..asyik tersenyum jer... dia asyik kira cookies tue aje...good job nurul...tak sabar nkbwk kat sekolah...maknye pun terlebih excited sbb first time nk celebrate kat skool.btw u tulis nama I salah i'm Linda bkn aida..he..he.."
Wakaka...he..he..Kelabu asap lagi cik nurul ni...tu lah padah kalau menaip sambil ber FB & umar dok kacau sama(salahkan anak he..he..) ,ampun...dah betulkan :)...glads to know that Iman Sufia & her mommy like it ;)