This is my 1st order received after my long break....Kak Amy fr Salak Tinggi has ordered this cuppies before I left to Jeddah.....the theme is maroon....and it was quite difficult for me to get the right colour....had to add red red wilton colour with few drop of purple colour & a little bit of pink colour....hmmm ....I've prepared all the roses before taking off.....if not I'll not be able to comply with the request as I arrived on 17th & the pick up date is on 18th....alhamdullilah I managed to do it eventhough the jetlag syndrome has heavily attacking me..ha..ha..feel sleepy here & there......hope the cuppies is safe thru journey to Ipoh....

This is an extra cuppies to be given to anak2 kak Amy ...yelah the above engagement cuppies is to be presented to kak amy's niece and despite of it I wanted kak amy to sample & taste my cuppies and hopefully my dear kakak will place another order ..he..he...(kalau diizinkan) ....he..he..I've put the leftover sugarpaste flower for decoration.TQ & happy eating ya kak....
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