Friday, July 20, 2012

Bolu Kukus Pelangi Putih Telur/Steamed egg white rainbow cake

I've told in my previous post that I have lots of unused egg whites to make used of it I made this steamed cake....Tak sia-sia I cuba tau...sebab it was so delicious and  moist ...the recipe was adapted from Citarasawan ...thanks ya K1 or Kak Wan all mesti tahu kan if I just put the link maknanya I was so lazy to type the recipe...he..he..tapi the cake was indeed yummy and delish...

I also made these....but I used fresh egg whites for the icing....the cookies was made to be given to my neighbours as an Aqiqah gift....actually the kenduri was held on May at MIL's house....Saje je buat bagi kat jiran-jiran dan bersempena menyambut Ramadan sama...

I also made pulut kuning and rendang ayam which went along with the cookies and the steamed cake....feast to my neighbours....Alhamdullilah...

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