When my special friend,Zuraidah gave birth to a healthy baby boy last month which is on 14 of Feb, automatically I remembered my small baby cutter set that my husband has bought for me when he was stationed in Melbourne in 2008.Imagined for how long it has been sitting idle in my "Doraemon box"?I guess maybe this is a right time for me to try & give it to my friend as a" buah tangan"...with full of enthusiasm ..tara!!! I've made it..he..he..

I thinks they turn out really cute.....

I've made various designs to complete the baby set....the size of the cookies range from 1.5 " to 2.5 "

This is how I displayed the baby set cookie.....maaf ya saya mmg tak pandai dalam gubah-mengubah nie...keras tangan hu..hu..
1 comment:
thank you cik nuyui....
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