Saturday, January 3, 2009

White & Lavender Cupcakes

The engagement cupcakes was ordered by my dear & baking enthusiast's friend ,Kak Nooral.....and it is for her brother's engagement dowry(hantaran)....Tq Kak Nooral for the order...


nizaineese said...

Thank you for the lovely cupcakes... People were so impressed. Ada cousin akak ingat bunga2 fondant tu plastik.. aiyoh, tak dapek nak nolong camtu. Happy belated birthday Nurul. Moga2 berkembang bisnes kek-mengekek. Akak akan bagi lagi gambar2 cupcakes nurul after "make-over"... he he.. Thanks a lot.

Cake2u said...

tengkiu kak...amin...nanti kita discuss pasal kita nyer project ya..