pcs of cupcakes with maroon theme and was ordered by
Ayu( my loyal customer) for her brother's engagement.Actually she did requested for 15
pcs of
cuppies and due to my mistakes I've just baked 14
tu lah padahnya kalau baked cupcake
pukul 4.30pagi...mata &
kepala dok kelabu asap lagi...he..he...sorry ya
Ayu) and
Ayu has gave details for the cupcake topper which it must include the butterflies,love image & simple flowers & no roses ya...he..he..he.......
And I was pleased that she liked it very much.....
1 comment:
hai nurul.. lama tak drop by sini..busy sangat.. dulu akak nak order cupcakes tu tak jadilah sebab occassion nya telah dibatalkan.. that's why hari tu tak boleh nak confirm apa2... :(.. Anyway, akak pun dah phobia nak order apa2 ni sebab tak jadi aje manjang, ni family matterslah.. takpe, next time...
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