Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fancy Cookies for Majlis Cukur Jambul

Cookies ni ditempah oleh Alia,yg sebelum ni pernah order SpongeBob cookies dgn saya....Tq adalah percubaan pertama saya membuat cookies dgn stick....rasanya lepas ni saya nak buat sikit changes dalam bentuk cookies ni supaya banyak variety .....tunggu ya..
Comment dari Alia:
"Nurulll... love your cookies laa.. the kiddies semua berebut nak extra.. kesian dia org... Oh ya about the stick... u have to implement sikit kot..pasal senang tercabut... maybe tebalkan sikit the doh..or anything laa you're the master...Anyhoot, I am still drooling for more... nanti place order lagi for next ocassion in Feb...spare me the slot..."
Wakkaka..stick ku tercabut..he..he..sori ya Alia...tapi tak least saya dah tau cam mana nak meng"improvised"kan stick tu nanti...TQ ya Alia for the order & TQ juga coz U are my 1st customer yg tempah cookies n stick....I've gained new knowledged ... :)


Aliah said...

Nurulll... love your cookies laa.. the kiddies semua berebut nak extra.. kesian dia org... Oh ya about the stick... u have to implement sikit kot..pasal senang tercabut... maybe tebalkan sikit the doh..or anything laa you're the master...Anyhoot, I am still drooling for more... nanti place order lagi for next ocassion in Feb...spare me the slot...

Cake2u said...

He..he..Alia...TQ for the order & TQ jugak sbb U my 1st customer yg tempah cookies dgn least I dah dapat idea cam mana nak meng"improvised"kan cookies & stick bagi tak tercabut...TQ lagi sekali for sharing the least saya tau...